OK, so now for me to punch in some of my journal entries. These date back to December, however, they may have some jewels in there to help out you other brides - at the very least it might make you feel not so alone with your confusion. :-P
Anyway, I'm just going to type them up as is. And so, even though this first entry says that Remy and I haven't done much with wedding planning, we actually have the basic planning done. In fact, as of this post we have the major aspects figured out - we just need to start booking vendors and such. However, as of this JOURNAL ENTRY we haven't had much done. I know, it doesn't really make much sense, but pretend it does. ^_^ *clears throat* Anyway, without further ado....
Since the proposal, we haven't really done much along the lines of wedding planning. And so I'm just going to note everything we HAVE done leading up to the present. Moving forward I'll write in dated journal entries.
First, there are the hurdles Remy and I need to jump before true planning can begin. First is my job. In May I was fired from my job. I was actually using my college degree and everything! And then... nothing. As of right now I'm a "sandwich artist" at a local Subway(R) sandwich shop. And so, not only am I not really raking in the dough that I need to fund a wedding, but I'm also not sure where my job search will send me.
Second hurdle is the stupid long distance! I'm not sure how my one friend pulled it off, but planning a wedding with a long-distance fiance is not fun! Plus, almost six years of long-distance is quite enough for me! Considering all the angles, it seems better that I move up to Remy.
Which brings me to the BIG hurdle: Finances. Neither Remy nor I have much of a nest egg saved, and both of us already have school debt, and so we really don't want to have to get a bank loan for our wedding. Neither of our parents really have money to spare either, and so we know we're more-or-less paying for the wedding ourselves. Even with my cost-cutting ideas, "How to Save" books, and "Family Only" wedding guest list, it's hard to keep a budget of about $15,000 - let alone actually SAVING that much FOR the budget! And Remy and I STILL need money for actually living together! I'm trying to save my work tips, and cut costs even more than I have in order to save money while still living with my mother, but at the rate we're going financially, we won't be married for another five years! I need to think of something soon.
Our last major hurdle? Where to actually HAVE the wedding! Do we have the wedding in New York or Pennsylvania? I really can't plan more than I have over the past four years (of pre-engagement) without starting to hire vendors. But where do I hire them? I'm planning on living in New York state when Remy and I get married; so it would probably be easier on me to organize a wedding up there. I won't have to travel four hours to meet with vendors, and do I really want to travel for my own wedding? But on the other hand, my family is (almost) all in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. My side would be traveling at LEAST four hours for my wedding. How many would actually do that without it being some sandy beach destination wedding? Also, Remy's extended family is mostly from Georgia, and so they'd travel farther to New York than Pennsylvania. However, if they're already coming from Georgia, is the extra four hours really going to affect them? Then we have the battle of Mom verses Kitty. Mom hates driving and Kitty doesn't seem to mind at all. So why make the mother who doesn't like driving cover the distance? Plus, there's an unspoken benefit to being the bride's mother. Sort of an honor above the groom's mother. Mom even threw in her two-cents about the matter by stating that she went through thirty-six hours of labor, where as Kitty almost gave birth on the elevator to the maternity ward. Therefore Mom deserves the wedding by her. I just don't know which state wins out...
Ok, so another hurdle - one that is sort of minor as of right now, but will become a major one once the other issues are figured out - is wondering who will officiate the ceremony. Since Remy and I want a handfasting for our vows, it may be challenging to find someone willing to officiate. In the meantime, I'm scripting the ceremony. Handfasting is typically a pagan or Wiccan ritual these days, and so I have to rewrite all the ceremonial sections so it has a Christian, and NOT pagan, base. So far, the part I spent the most time rewriting is the ceremony of the Sword and Chalice.
What is the Sword and Chalice ceremony? Well, basically, in the ceremony the groom presents a sword as himself and the bride knights him with it. Then the bride presents a chalice as herself and the groom toasts her with it. However, the point of the ceremony rests on the pagan symbolism of the sword and chalice representing man and woman based on their genitalia. Worst part is that just about anyone who even SAW "The Da Vinci Code" would recognise that the ceremony is basically about vows of fertility. The sword half isn't very obvious, and in fact it made Remy and I tear up as we read it. And so the "chalice" half needed to go.
Thankfully, Remy came up with our wedding motif a few years ago: a sword wrapped in a rose. My wonderful cousin is going to be designing the actual motif for us (THANK YOOOUUUU!!!). And so, I don't have the motif right now, but here are two samples of what we're thinking of: Sample 1 and Sample 2. He told me the sweet symbolism behind his idea was that the rose means "love" and the sword "honor." Backtracking about four or five years, Remy and I found a set of charms that said "To Have and To Hold" and "To Love and To Honor." Those two vows really stuck with Remy, hence the sword and rose symbolism. I, however, like to extend the metaphor a little bit. The sword, along with honor, symbolises strength and protection. The rose is beautiful and gentle. All-in-all, a perfect motif! Continuing further, the Celtic tradition also dictates the presentation of a "wedding sword" to the couple for protection. And so Remy wants to have a sword engraved with our wedding date. All the pieces seemed to fit, and so it was easy to rewrite the chalice segment as a rose instead. The same basic concept is still there, but not as blatantly obvious as before. My favorite part is that instead of Remy toasting me with the chalice, he will recreate our handfasting by tying the rose to the sword. I'll have to remember to post the actual ceremony at some point.
Well, aside from writing our ceremony, I have been slowly working on our wedding website through TheKnot.com. It has been a very slow process, mainly because I have no real details to post yet - not even the YEAR - and also I don't have any nice pictures of Remy and I. In fact, I should probably put that on my list of things to do for the wedding: I need to get some nice pictures of Remy and I together...
Anyway, I also started organizing the HUNDREDS (literally) of ripped-out magazine pages I've been collecting over the years. It is a long, tedious process, especially since most of the pages are articles with advice that I must now re-read. Some times I feel like I tore apart too many bridal magazines and organizing it all is too large of a task! However, if I can't conquer this task, how can I handle the daunting challenge of throwing a wedding?
So, yeah. I haven't really done much else to prepare for the wedding thus far. I feel a bit over my head here. I just wish I had someone that I could bounce ideas off. I feel like I'm going to drown in all the details, but I must go it alone - more-or-less. Here's hoping I make it out alright.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Proposal
Ok, so sorry about not posting in a little bit. I was too busy getting ready for my Valentine's Day weekend with Remy. ^_^
And in the spirit of Valentine's day, I feel now would be a great time to tell you all the Proposal Story. ^_^ So gather round and get comfy.
My one friend from high school got married June 20, 2009. I was one of her bridesmaids and my entire family was invited. Mom, my sister, and Remy were all guests. What a great opportunity! I was busy with the bridesmaid duties; leaving Remy and Mom alone time to have the "ask parent's permission" talk (I have an old-school, widowed mother).
Remy has a social disability that makes it hard for him to confront people, and so just asking my mother's permission - even though we all knew she'd say yes - was a MAJOR task for him, and even with the opportunity available I wasn't so sure he'd be able to take advantage of it. Well, it kept most of the reception, but he finally pulled my mother aside to have "the talk."
Well, in the end Mom did give her blessing - after Remy and I dating for six years! He even made my mother tear up as he showed her the ring he had been carrying around for about two years! He nearly tipped her over to flat out crying when he informed her how he planned on proposing. Remy later informed me that my reaction to his proposal was almost identical to my Mom's reaction. Good God, I'm turning into my mother! ^_^
Anyway, the day after my friend's wedding was Father's Day, and so I drove Remy home to spend it with his father. The odd thing was that he really didn't spend much time with Donald once we actually got to his home. In fact, I think I spent more time with his parents than he did.
When we got to his house he took our bags upstairs - I was going to spend a few days up there since I was unemployed at the time - and I said hello to his parents. We all then heard Remy yelling while upstairs. I offered to go help him look for whatever it was that he was searching for, thinking it might have been his Father's Day gift for Donald. When he barked that I need to stay downstairs and not help him I knew something was up.
He then began an argument with Kitty. As per usual, she "cleaned" and rearranged his room unnecessarily while he was away, and ended up moving something on him. As he and Kitty searched his room for the misplaced item I got to keep Donald company.
Eventually, the item was found and Kitty rejoined me and Donald in the living room. Remy, however, stayed upstairs for about another fifteen minutes. At this point I still had no clue what he was planning, but I had a feeling it had something to do with a proposal, and I wished he wasn't so agitated before popping the question.
Finally, Remy joined us downstairs and we all wished Donald a happy Father's Day. Remy and Kitty gave him their gifts, and we talked a little bit more. Then Kitty told Donald to join her upstairs so Remy and I could have some alone time. The way she said it, the twinkle in her eye, I knew then what Remy was about to do, and I wanted to call out, "No! Stay here, I want people to witness this!" I didn't want to ruin Remy's moment though, so I quietly let them leave.
Now there is a large, blue recliner in Remy's living room. There is no couch or other recliner. Only the one recliner and a few wooden chairs. And Remy claims the recliner is "his," but I sneak into it whenever I can. This was one of those times. While I was talking to Kitty and Donald, and Remy was upstairs searching for his mystery item, I took the opportunity to steal "Remy's Chair." Meanwhile, Remy was sitting in my normal chair. And so, once his parents vacated, the first thing Remy did was move me out of "his" chair. I thought nothing of it as he took me by the hands, walked me over to "my" chair, and sat me down. It was when he then kneeled that my heart jumped!
Being majorly into astronomy and alligators, I had given Remy a stuffed alligator for his birthday last year, and it came with a tag that would allow you to register a star in your name. I thought it would be AMAZING for Remy to have his own star. Well, Remy thought otherwise, and after battling with the website used for the star registration (which is why he had remained upstairs for that additional fifteen minutes), he finally registered his star in the Cassiopeia constellation. The name? "CasieHart Will You Marry Me" My name had to be one word because he didn't have enough available characters to include a space.
Anyway, back to him getting down on one knee! So, as he pulled out the ring box I didn't even give the poor boy a chance to ask me before I started slapping him on the shoulders! I just kept crying out, "Oh, no you didn't!" He looked up at me (which wasn't REALLY "up" since he was almost eye-level with me - I'm too short! TT_TT), the ring still brilliantly sparkling even in the living room's dim lighting, and asked me very gently, "Casie Hart, will you marry me?"
Of COURSE I didn't actually respond to him! I just kept slapping his shoulders and kissing him. Eventually, I realized that I never officially said "yes," and so I choked out the word. I then shoved my hand in his face, squeaking "Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!"
Remy then informed me off the star name and how he was originally going to have me read the printed certificate, but the website wasn't working well with the family computer, and so he could only verbally inform me of the star. He didn't even know if the star was officially registered. Hell, I don't car if it's actually registered! I'm telling people about it anyway! Who'd know if it was or wasn't official? ^_^
After having the ring actually on my hand, I playfully yelled at my new fiance:
"Why didn't you do this with people around?"
"That star was supposed to be for you, goof!"
"What do you mean Mom, Celia, Sue, and both your parents knew!?"
And in the spirit of Valentine's day, I feel now would be a great time to tell you all the Proposal Story. ^_^ So gather round and get comfy.
My one friend from high school got married June 20, 2009. I was one of her bridesmaids and my entire family was invited. Mom, my sister, and Remy were all guests. What a great opportunity! I was busy with the bridesmaid duties; leaving Remy and Mom alone time to have the "ask parent's permission" talk (I have an old-school, widowed mother).
Remy has a social disability that makes it hard for him to confront people, and so just asking my mother's permission - even though we all knew she'd say yes - was a MAJOR task for him, and even with the opportunity available I wasn't so sure he'd be able to take advantage of it. Well, it kept most of the reception, but he finally pulled my mother aside to have "the talk."
Well, in the end Mom did give her blessing - after Remy and I dating for six years! He even made my mother tear up as he showed her the ring he had been carrying around for about two years! He nearly tipped her over to flat out crying when he informed her how he planned on proposing. Remy later informed me that my reaction to his proposal was almost identical to my Mom's reaction. Good God, I'm turning into my mother! ^_^
Anyway, the day after my friend's wedding was Father's Day, and so I drove Remy home to spend it with his father. The odd thing was that he really didn't spend much time with Donald once we actually got to his home. In fact, I think I spent more time with his parents than he did.
When we got to his house he took our bags upstairs - I was going to spend a few days up there since I was unemployed at the time - and I said hello to his parents. We all then heard Remy yelling while upstairs. I offered to go help him look for whatever it was that he was searching for, thinking it might have been his Father's Day gift for Donald. When he barked that I need to stay downstairs and not help him I knew something was up.
He then began an argument with Kitty. As per usual, she "cleaned" and rearranged his room unnecessarily while he was away, and ended up moving something on him. As he and Kitty searched his room for the misplaced item I got to keep Donald company.
Eventually, the item was found and Kitty rejoined me and Donald in the living room. Remy, however, stayed upstairs for about another fifteen minutes. At this point I still had no clue what he was planning, but I had a feeling it had something to do with a proposal, and I wished he wasn't so agitated before popping the question.
Finally, Remy joined us downstairs and we all wished Donald a happy Father's Day. Remy and Kitty gave him their gifts, and we talked a little bit more. Then Kitty told Donald to join her upstairs so Remy and I could have some alone time. The way she said it, the twinkle in her eye, I knew then what Remy was about to do, and I wanted to call out, "No! Stay here, I want people to witness this!" I didn't want to ruin Remy's moment though, so I quietly let them leave.
Now there is a large, blue recliner in Remy's living room. There is no couch or other recliner. Only the one recliner and a few wooden chairs. And Remy claims the recliner is "his," but I sneak into it whenever I can. This was one of those times. While I was talking to Kitty and Donald, and Remy was upstairs searching for his mystery item, I took the opportunity to steal "Remy's Chair." Meanwhile, Remy was sitting in my normal chair. And so, once his parents vacated, the first thing Remy did was move me out of "his" chair. I thought nothing of it as he took me by the hands, walked me over to "my" chair, and sat me down. It was when he then kneeled that my heart jumped!
Being majorly into astronomy and alligators, I had given Remy a stuffed alligator for his birthday last year, and it came with a tag that would allow you to register a star in your name. I thought it would be AMAZING for Remy to have his own star. Well, Remy thought otherwise, and after battling with the website used for the star registration (which is why he had remained upstairs for that additional fifteen minutes), he finally registered his star in the Cassiopeia constellation. The name? "CasieHart Will You Marry Me" My name had to be one word because he didn't have enough available characters to include a space.
Anyway, back to him getting down on one knee! So, as he pulled out the ring box I didn't even give the poor boy a chance to ask me before I started slapping him on the shoulders! I just kept crying out, "Oh, no you didn't!" He looked up at me (which wasn't REALLY "up" since he was almost eye-level with me - I'm too short! TT_TT), the ring still brilliantly sparkling even in the living room's dim lighting, and asked me very gently, "Casie Hart, will you marry me?"
Of COURSE I didn't actually respond to him! I just kept slapping his shoulders and kissing him. Eventually, I realized that I never officially said "yes," and so I choked out the word. I then shoved my hand in his face, squeaking "Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!"
Remy then informed me off the star name and how he was originally going to have me read the printed certificate, but the website wasn't working well with the family computer, and so he could only verbally inform me of the star. He didn't even know if the star was officially registered. Hell, I don't car if it's actually registered! I'm telling people about it anyway! Who'd know if it was or wasn't official? ^_^
After having the ring actually on my hand, I playfully yelled at my new fiance:
"Why didn't you do this with people around?"
"That star was supposed to be for you, goof!"
"What do you mean Mom, Celia, Sue, and both your parents knew!?"
Well, apparently the answer for that last question went something like this. After Mom gave her blessing Remy showed her the ring, as I said above. He then waited until I was distracted with the bridesmaid stuff and showed Celia and Sue the ring and informed them of his plan. Finally, while driving him back home, Remy called to inform his parents of his plan while I was pumping gas. He even called them using MY cell phone!
Anyway, after I finished harassing Remy, I frantically took a good picture of my left hand using my cell and sent it to Mom and Celia. I called up my mom shortly after and we all had an excited squeal-fest. After that I called just about everyone in my cell phone's contact list. I informed both of my female cousins by officially asking them to be my bridesmaids.
I spent the next two hours refusing to call Remy anything but "My fiaaaaaaaaance!" I stared at the ring until the sparkle nearly blinded me. And I randomly turned to Remy and said, "This is really real now! I mean, for REALS! We're seriously going to be married in a year or two! I'll be Mrs. Wilson in like a year or two!"
I do need to add this in as sort of a P.S. to this story. The reason why Remy picked the Cassiopeia constellation. There is a scene in the beginning of the movie Serendipity where John Cusack's character points out that Kate Beckinsale's character's freckles resembles the Cassiopeia constellation. And Remy pointed out that I too have the constellation on my arm. He even pointed out a freckle that would be the rough location of "my star." Check out the pictures below!
The picture I sent to my mother and sister to show them that Remy proposed!
A better picture of my ring! I still couldn't quite get the sparkle... I suck at taking pictures...
My freckled left arm. Do you see Cassiopeia?
Can you see the constellation now? ^_^
The arrow points to the freckle that is the rough estimation of "my star" in the constellation!
Close up of the "my star" freckle. ^_^ Can you find it in the night?
Father's Day,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Romance Story
OK, need a little background on me and the wonderful fiance? I'm all for that! Here's everything according to my POV and recollection.
Remy and I ended up going to the same Lycoming College Freshmen Orientation weekend towards the end of June 2002. If I remember correctly, Saturday night there was a mixer with karaoke and volleyball. I sang on the balcony outside the college store Jack's Place (JPs for short). Remy was on the Quad playing volleyball. He claims he vaguely remembers me singing "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks while he played, but we didn't meet then.
Sunday farewell brunch, just before sending the families home until August 23rd, Mom found an empty table and we were shortly after joined by an older couple. Being quite talkative, Mom and I soon found out from the couple that they had a daughter that was already attending Lyco, and that was a main reason their son was now going to attend. Eventually they waved down a tall, broad, shy guy who joined us, but he didn't really talk enough to leave a lasting impression. In fact, I didn't really recall ever previously meeting Remy (we ended up being assigned to the same dorm floor and that's where I THOUGHT I met him...) until parent's weekend when I was re-introduced to his parents. In fact, Kitty and Donald are near impossible to forget!
Remy and I had further interactions our fall semester, but we didn't really click as friends until Karaoke Night in the following spring semester. I believe it was the February monthly karaoke; the same night I was "initiated" into The Inaccurate Triad, a small group of Remy's guy friends, and one of them was a mutual friend. The group was really big into "The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, and the last book in the series had the cover tag "The fifth book in the increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhikers Trilogy." Since the group consisted of four guys and now two girls, the "Inaccurate Triad" seemed an appropriate group name. Anyway, from that point on Remy and I were inseparable.
Despite me still technically dating someone else, many thought Remy and I were a couple throughout that spring semester! What I think really bonded us was the joint lamenting sessions we had over our lost loves - he had a crush on someone and I had broken up with that as-for-mentioned boyfriend - as well as being the only ones willing to listen to the other's mourning. Remy later informed me that he realized he liked me during one of his solo sessions in which his normal "I love Lauren" Freudianly Slipped to "I love Casie." He also informed me that upon returning from a Reel Big Fish concert held on campus, Remy felt he was really falling for me and almost built up the courage to tell me so.
My first realization of my feelings was when his mother forced him to dress up for his sister's dance show. It was one of those "cleans up well" moments. I knew he was forced to do some major grooming, and so I had the camera at the ready, but I nearly forgot to take the picture when my heart jumped at my first sight of him. My second sign was when he left for home at the end of the semester. I still THOUGHT I had feelings for my ex-boyfriend, however I was missing Remy more, even after just one day apart.
May 1, 2003, Remy, the other girl in our group (Emma), and I were talking in AIM. Remy devised a plan to match up Emma with one of his old high school friends. The plan worked beautifully. The next day Remy and I talked via AIM (I was still at school and he was home). We commented on how awesome his matchmaking skill were. I was ready to get over my ex, and so I asked Remy to match me up with someone. Gathering courage, Remy did something he rarely did. At 12:19am, on May 3, 2003, via instant messenger, Remy asked me "Casie Hart, will you go out with me?" The question threw me for a moment before I finally agreed.
Our first date wasn't until my birthday in July. We went out to dinner and watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl." Our first kiss, however, was a day before (I think it was just one day...). We had just finished watching "Spiderman" in my room and we decided to re-enact the famous "upside down kiss." I laid on my bed with my head hanging off the edge, and he kissed me. Just writing about that moment gave me chills and caused my heart to jump! ^_^
Although Remy and I did slow dance in the rain outside the movie theatre that first date, our first OFFICIAL slow dance was when we were at Dorney Park for my nineteenth birthday - a start of a birthday tradition that lasted five years. Emma, Remy, and I were sitting outside a gift shop; waiting for the motion sickness pills to kick in. It started drizzling a little and "In the Still of the Night" started playing on the nearby park speakers. Remy pulled me to my feet and we danced, ignoring everyone else in the park.
When Remy called me that one winter day to inform me that he wasn't going to be able to return to Lyco for our Sophomore spring semester, my heart dropped. I didn't know how we'd be able to hold on to a long-distance relationship. Well, nearly seven years seems to prove that we're strong and ready for this new chapter in our lives. And the realisation that I wouldn't see him so frequently - no longer taking for grated that he'd be right there - was when I knew I was in love. Simply because I didn't want to walk away.
Remy and I ended up going to the same Lycoming College Freshmen Orientation weekend towards the end of June 2002. If I remember correctly, Saturday night there was a mixer with karaoke and volleyball. I sang on the balcony outside the college store Jack's Place (JPs for short). Remy was on the Quad playing volleyball. He claims he vaguely remembers me singing "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks while he played, but we didn't meet then.
Sunday farewell brunch, just before sending the families home until August 23rd, Mom found an empty table and we were shortly after joined by an older couple. Being quite talkative, Mom and I soon found out from the couple that they had a daughter that was already attending Lyco, and that was a main reason their son was now going to attend. Eventually they waved down a tall, broad, shy guy who joined us, but he didn't really talk enough to leave a lasting impression. In fact, I didn't really recall ever previously meeting Remy (we ended up being assigned to the same dorm floor and that's where I THOUGHT I met him...) until parent's weekend when I was re-introduced to his parents. In fact, Kitty and Donald are near impossible to forget!
Remy and I had further interactions our fall semester, but we didn't really click as friends until Karaoke Night in the following spring semester. I believe it was the February monthly karaoke; the same night I was "initiated" into The Inaccurate Triad, a small group of Remy's guy friends, and one of them was a mutual friend. The group was really big into "The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, and the last book in the series had the cover tag "The fifth book in the increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhikers Trilogy." Since the group consisted of four guys and now two girls, the "Inaccurate Triad" seemed an appropriate group name. Anyway, from that point on Remy and I were inseparable.
Despite me still technically dating someone else, many thought Remy and I were a couple throughout that spring semester! What I think really bonded us was the joint lamenting sessions we had over our lost loves - he had a crush on someone and I had broken up with that as-for-mentioned boyfriend - as well as being the only ones willing to listen to the other's mourning. Remy later informed me that he realized he liked me during one of his solo sessions in which his normal "I love Lauren" Freudianly Slipped to "I love Casie." He also informed me that upon returning from a Reel Big Fish concert held on campus, Remy felt he was really falling for me and almost built up the courage to tell me so.
My first realization of my feelings was when his mother forced him to dress up for his sister's dance show. It was one of those "cleans up well" moments. I knew he was forced to do some major grooming, and so I had the camera at the ready, but I nearly forgot to take the picture when my heart jumped at my first sight of him. My second sign was when he left for home at the end of the semester. I still THOUGHT I had feelings for my ex-boyfriend, however I was missing Remy more, even after just one day apart.
May 1, 2003, Remy, the other girl in our group (Emma), and I were talking in AIM. Remy devised a plan to match up Emma with one of his old high school friends. The plan worked beautifully. The next day Remy and I talked via AIM (I was still at school and he was home). We commented on how awesome his matchmaking skill were. I was ready to get over my ex, and so I asked Remy to match me up with someone. Gathering courage, Remy did something he rarely did. At 12:19am, on May 3, 2003, via instant messenger, Remy asked me "Casie Hart, will you go out with me?" The question threw me for a moment before I finally agreed.
Our first date wasn't until my birthday in July. We went out to dinner and watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl." Our first kiss, however, was a day before (I think it was just one day...). We had just finished watching "Spiderman" in my room and we decided to re-enact the famous "upside down kiss." I laid on my bed with my head hanging off the edge, and he kissed me. Just writing about that moment gave me chills and caused my heart to jump! ^_^
Although Remy and I did slow dance in the rain outside the movie theatre that first date, our first OFFICIAL slow dance was when we were at Dorney Park for my nineteenth birthday - a start of a birthday tradition that lasted five years. Emma, Remy, and I were sitting outside a gift shop; waiting for the motion sickness pills to kick in. It started drizzling a little and "In the Still of the Night" started playing on the nearby park speakers. Remy pulled me to my feet and we danced, ignoring everyone else in the park.
When Remy called me that one winter day to inform me that he wasn't going to be able to return to Lyco for our Sophomore spring semester, my heart dropped. I didn't know how we'd be able to hold on to a long-distance relationship. Well, nearly seven years seems to prove that we're strong and ready for this new chapter in our lives. And the realisation that I wouldn't see him so frequently - no longer taking for grated that he'd be right there - was when I knew I was in love. Simply because I didn't want to walk away.
Dorney Park,
First Dance,
First Kiss,
Long-Distance Relationship
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Let the Saga Begin
I recently watched the movie "Julie & Julia." I was then asked about my writing career. Shortly followed with advice that a lot of people are making money - as well as getting professionally published - based off of their blogs. I toyed with the idea, but wondered what it is that I can blog about that people will actually want to read. I have another blog, The Obsession Anthology, that seems to have but three readers - all friends. I decided to give up on trying to find a topic that I would consistently write about that people would actually be interested in reading.
That's when I continued my wedding planning. I've known my wonderful fiance Remy for almost eight years now - dating for seven this May. We were pre-engaged back in 2004, and he officially proposed June 21, 2009! Yay! ^_^ Anyway, we've been planning our big non-traditional wedding pretty much the whole time we've been dating. Yes, ladies, he's very much involved in the wedding planning! Go me! (er... and him too I guess. ^_^)
Anyway, there I was, writing my thoughts, feelings, and progress in my little journal. A keepsake I'm planning on passing down to my children when they are ready to plan their wedding. This way we can't run into the problem of my horrible memory not remembering such things as "How did you save up?" or "Where did you start your planning?" or "Where are the best web sites to check out?" Unfortunately, my maternal grandmother took over my parents' wedding, and so when I had such questions for my mom, in order to give me a bit of a starting point, she had no answers for me.
THAT was when it hit me! My mother couldn't help me, I don't have many female friends - let alone married ones - that can give me advice, Remy's sister and parents are in the same boat when it comes to cluelessness, Remy and my wedding isn't exactly "traditional" enough for wedding magazines to be of much help, and so I'm pretty much drifting alone out in the vast space of wedding planning without the help of Mission Control. I wondered if there were any other brides out there like me. Who just needed someone to hand them a compass (a map would help too, but a compass would be a pleasant start). Could I be that kindly Ranger? Could I be the Wedding-Space tour guide? Could I be the one to point things out to brides and go, "yeah, that's a dead end that way" or "Shh... there's a secret passage here, follow me"?
I don't want to sound conceited here. I'm no wedding planner. I have just about no clue what I'm doing here. And, contrary to my opening paragraph, I'm not looking for a book deal or for readers to start sending money to a PayPal account. I'm just looking for the reassurance that I CAN write something people WANT to read, and the warm, fuzzy feeling that I helped at least one person out.
And so, here I am. I'm restarting the journey and hope to help people out along the way. The start of the road will be bumpy as I figure things out myself, but here's hoping you and I can make it through alright and mostly unscathed.
That's when I continued my wedding planning. I've known my wonderful fiance Remy for almost eight years now - dating for seven this May. We were pre-engaged back in 2004, and he officially proposed June 21, 2009! Yay! ^_^ Anyway, we've been planning our big non-traditional wedding pretty much the whole time we've been dating. Yes, ladies, he's very much involved in the wedding planning! Go me! (er... and him too I guess. ^_^)
Anyway, there I was, writing my thoughts, feelings, and progress in my little journal. A keepsake I'm planning on passing down to my children when they are ready to plan their wedding. This way we can't run into the problem of my horrible memory not remembering such things as "How did you save up?" or "Where did you start your planning?" or "Where are the best web sites to check out?" Unfortunately, my maternal grandmother took over my parents' wedding, and so when I had such questions for my mom, in order to give me a bit of a starting point, she had no answers for me.
THAT was when it hit me! My mother couldn't help me, I don't have many female friends - let alone married ones - that can give me advice, Remy's sister and parents are in the same boat when it comes to cluelessness, Remy and my wedding isn't exactly "traditional" enough for wedding magazines to be of much help, and so I'm pretty much drifting alone out in the vast space of wedding planning without the help of Mission Control. I wondered if there were any other brides out there like me. Who just needed someone to hand them a compass (a map would help too, but a compass would be a pleasant start). Could I be that kindly Ranger? Could I be the Wedding-Space tour guide? Could I be the one to point things out to brides and go, "yeah, that's a dead end that way" or "Shh... there's a secret passage here, follow me"?
I don't want to sound conceited here. I'm no wedding planner. I have just about no clue what I'm doing here. And, contrary to my opening paragraph, I'm not looking for a book deal or for readers to start sending money to a PayPal account. I'm just looking for the reassurance that I CAN write something people WANT to read, and the warm, fuzzy feeling that I helped at least one person out.
And so, here I am. I'm restarting the journey and hope to help people out along the way. The start of the road will be bumpy as I figure things out myself, but here's hoping you and I can make it through alright and mostly unscathed.
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